Tuesday 27 November 2012

My Goals/Target

Dreams and target setting, does this sound familiar? We all do it from planning life to the workplace. As children some of us had dreams of becoming and astronaut.  I know I certainly did.

Back on planet earth, it takes serious dedication to become an astronaut and for most it is but a dream. To date there have been 7 (Wiki link) astronauts from the UK. To be an Olympic medallist in archery is much the same. There has only been 1 of them in recent memory. 

My dream is to be on the GB squad. Will I attain it, unlikely but I still have to try. The “Essential thing [to remind yourself] is not to have conquered but to have fought well” (Annabel Veron)

It takes small steps to achieve your dream. Targets and goals help this to happen and keep you on track. The following are mine for the indoor season

  • -Achieve a Portsmouth score of 550.
  • -Complete Lvl 2 coaching course.
  • -Maintain relationship with Girlfriend.
  • -Purchase new stabilisers kit for my bow.

If I achieve all of the above what would be my prize: a new bow and a balanced relationship

The readers of my first blog post (Thanks Mum) will already have come across the Lvl 2 coaching course and the Portsmouth target score is not unreasonable. The next 2 are surprising. Why should my Girlfriend and kit go on there.

Maintaining Relationship with Girlfriend
This is probably going to be the hardest one of all to achieve, the hardest to put into words. My girlfriend means the world to me and she is one of my greatest bastions of support, pushing me out the door to go shooting in any weather, persuading me to get out of bed at O’shit hundred to go to a competition.

 You can’t achieve anything without the support from friends’ family and teammates. Annabel Veron speaks of the same about her family.

 They've spent the last eight years travelling round Europe to hot, barren lakes on the outskirts of foreign cities to watch me race”(1)

That is serious commitment to the dream of one person.  Being so close they can’t but not go through the anguish.

“My family have always found my rowing very stressful because although they're immensely proud of me, they also see how much pressure I've been under and how much it can rip me apart.”(1)

As my girlfriend is not an archer there has to be a joint understanding.  I’ve known many couples who have broken up, due to over commitment to their dream. Then that dream falters/shatters because of the lack of support. There are others who have broken relationships early as they know that they can’t commit enough time to it. Honestly I wouldn’t want either scenario to happen.


Equipment is a part of shooting. Do I believe better kit instantly means better scores? Not all the time.  It can be argued that there is a psychological element of having a new bow. Namely it will instantly make you shoot better. This can be unfounded at times.

What I do believe in is that there is the right kit for the right person.  The reasoning can be as simple as the bow being the correct colour; perfect fit for the archer or even a certain brand.

So why is it a goal? I “feel” my current set up isn’t adequate and if I don’t have full confidence (there’s that psychological element) in my kit then how can I achieve my score of 550. 

This doesn’t mean that I will instantly get better scores, although deep down I hope it will.

Put this all together and this means my overriding aim is to get a “robust, repeatable predictable performance that [I] have 101% confidence”(1). Then use this to succeed. 

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