Friday, 14 June 2013

Revist My Goals

Well I sort of got distracted by my last post and didn’t even talk about archery. With the indoor season well and truly over it is time to revisit one of my earliest posts, my indoor season goals[1] 
So how did I do?

Grade 2 Coach.

This has been successfully completed, with much rejoicing and relief.  There are plans for the first of the lvl 3 trials in September/October, heaven knows if I will be ready for another round of death by PowerPoint, we shall see though.

New Stabilisers for my Bow

Complete, I now have a lovely set of longrods and side weights for my bow.  They are nice, although they apparently colour clash something horrible with my riser.  I really don’t see what their problem is, this might be because I am colourblind? Hell if it puts off my competitors, then that is an additional bonus.

Goal of 550

This was a just completion.  I hit a 552 on my last proper indoor competition, fantastic feeling and like always with a target score you generally only just completed it. 
Maintaining relationship with girlfriend

Well I am not single, so this must be a success too.


Overall it has been a very successful indoor season. I have achieved all my goals, albeit just, and in addition to this I have been able to grown in confidence as an archer and coach.

So what is next? Well my treat for achieving all this was to get a new bow. This unfortunately I will not be able to do, due to the reality of real life. I just can’t simply afford it.

The cost of the new kit would have been in the region of £800-£1000 pounds, this is just out of my reach at the moment. This is a good point as this can be the reality of an amateur sport, you just sometimes can’t physically provide the funds or time to do it.  I do wonder what you could achieve if you could do just that, an old friend is trying to find out.

Good luck to him.

With regards to a new bow you wouldn’t expect me shoot better, but that is not the point I am trying to make. I had it as a reward for my hard work, I have done the work yet there is no physical reward at the end of it.

I am not down and out yet though.  I can buy a new set of arrows; this will be a physical reward and allow me to remain competitive throughout the outdoor season. This would be great preparation for the indoor season when I can/possibly purchase a new bow.

Goals for the outdoor season

  1. Achieve a bowmen status.
  2. To work with more experienced coaches within Berkshire and Hampshire and develop youtube video footage.
  3. Maintaining a relationship.
Honestly they are very similar to my indoor goals, there is one based on scores (Bowmen status) one to improve my coaching ability (working with experienced coaches) and thirdly there is one for personal relationship, which is good but is this set enough?

One of my inspirational figures is a guy called Devin Graham who runs a youtube video page and some of his videos are truly stunning, but more than that it is methodology which I admire.

That is dedication and determination[2] the saying he mentioned in the video at 6:35 is:

“A poor man plans for the weekend and a rich man plans 4 years in advance”

I would change the wording slightly from poor to content and rich to successful, but the principle is similar. So my season’s goals can be classed as the weekend goal, but they are incremental steps towards what?

That answer is one I am not willing to share online or actually been outlined by myself yet, but it has got me thinking that far in advance.  You never know someone may well use me as an example on their blog or use me as a role model, that would be a true honor.

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